
The application of trunk infusion into droughty Chinese chestnut orchard of the hilly regions in the

  • 摘要: 用树体输液的方法对豫南干旱板栗树进行输水、可使株产平均提高 1 60 % ;输氮磷钾肥料液 ,可使株产平均提高 1 80 % ;输硅元素肥料液可使株产提高 3 6% ;同时 ,雌花序结实率平均提高 4 1 % ,虫果率平均降低 2 3%


    Abstract: A six year experiment offering H 2O ?N P K or Si to the Chinese chestnut tree in the south of the Henan province by trunk infusion showed that the simple management of trunk infusion can improve the yield per plant by the avarage 160%,180% or 36% respectively. The seeding precent of femal inflorescence improved by 41% and the quantity of fruits damaged by insects reduced by 25%


