
The Optimal Management Policy on a Food-Species System

  • 摘要: 考虑畜牧和水产养殖业生产中的一类食物-物种系统,首先讨论其连续投放食物和收获物种系统的动力学性质,给出生态经济平衡态存在条件.利用Pontryagin's极大值原理讨论最优收获和投放问题,给出最优生产水平的表达式.最后讨论进行脉冲收获和管理的周期解存在性问题.


    Abstract: A kind of food-species system in animal husbandry and aquaculture is considered in this paper.Firstly,the dynamics of the system with continuous releasing food and harvesting the species is discussed and the conditions for the existence of the bioeonomic equilibrium is given.With Protryagin s maximum value priciple,the optimal release and harvest is investigated and the optimal level of produce is also give.Finally,the existece of periodic solution for the impulsive management is also discussed.


