
Factors affecting degradation of algal toxins and its control by the drinking water treatment proces

  • 摘要: 藻毒素污染已成为普遍关注的水质问题 .在水环境中 ,藻毒素的迁移转化受光照、温度、有机物、溶解氧、水生生物等因素的共同影响 .单元净水工艺 (混凝、沉淀、砂滤、氯化等 )和常规组合工艺对藻毒素的去除率较低 ,常规工艺 +活性炭过滤、臭氧 +常规工艺的去除率可达 1 0 0 % .不破坏藻细胞而能够大量降低其数量的预处理 +臭氧 +常规工艺 +活性炭工艺应能够取得最佳的解毒效果 .


    Abstract: The over multiply of toxic algae in eutrophic raw water has caused very hazardous algal toxins′ pollution. Some environmental factors such as light, temperature, organics and biomass et al in the water environment can affect the behavior of the toxins which could be more rapidly degraded by the microorganisms dociled under aerobic conditions to control the toxins in water treatment, some investigations had shown that each treatment unit (e.g.coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, sand filter, and chl...


