The Preparation of High Purity and Ultrafine BaTiO 3 PoWders by Liquid Phase Method
摘要: 本文对液相法制备高纯超细BaTiO3粉体进行了评述。该法具有产物颗粒小、纯度高、烧结温度低等特点;特别是其中的醇盐水解法,若解决好水解控制剂、钛钡前驱体析出速度控制等问题后,则有较好的应用前景。Abstract: The preparation of high purity and ultrafine BaTiO 3 powders by liquid phase methalw as rev iewed with 12 references. This method has the characteristic of small pellet high purity and low sintering temperature.Among them has Alkoxide hydrolytic decomposition a better applied prospect if the problems such as Alkoxide-hydrolytic control dose, the rate of separating out titanox-barium head precursor are solved.