
Feedback and self-adaptive interaction for WWW-based distant courses

  • 摘要: 对于基于WWW的远程教学应用 ,本文讨论了两种同学生进行交互的技术 ,其一是异步交互 ,即教师与学生是通过E -mail进行通信的 ;另一种是用于控制学生学习的自适应联机测试技术。此外 ,本文还给出了使用CGI和交互式HTML表单 ,并通过服务器端软件进行教学的具体实例


    Abstract: In this paper,two methods for interaction with a student within WWW-based distant course are discussed. The first is asynchronous interaction in which tutor communicates with students by E-mail.The second is adaptive on line testing to control the student studying. An application is provided by the server-side software via CGI and interactive HTML forms.


