An Approach for Checking and Adjusting the Consistency of Intersected Cross-sections in 3D Geologica
摘要: 地质剖面数据是三维地质结构建模的重要数据源,保证交叉剖面数据的一致性是进行基于地质剖面数据的三维地质模拟的基本前提.本文提出并实现了一种交叉剖面数据一致性检查及校正方法.该方法首先通过检查剖面交合位置处各对应地层的属性是否一致来判断剖面中的地层分层是否一致,然后基于地层分层一致的剖面,在地质剖面交合处采用对应点高程均值来替代初始的不一致高程值,从而实现地层分层界线高程值的调整.Abstract: Geological cross-sections are very important in 3D geological structure modeling,and the consistency of the intersected cross-sections is the prerequisite for building 3D geological model based on a series of intersected cross-sections.An approach for checking and adjusting the consistency of the intersected cross-sections is presented.Firstly,the stratum consistency of two intersected cross-sections will be checked through checking the attributes of the stratums in the intersected point.If they are consist...