Young gringko tree circled peel and lose in bargain skin and improving bloom and fruit esperiment re
摘要: 通过对生长旺盛的3~5年生银杏幼树连续3年的环剥倒贴皮试验研究,结论证明,该项技术促花效果非常显著,豫南大别山区的银杏幼树环剥时间以花芽分化前的5月底至6月初为宜.Abstract: Three years circled peel and lose in bargain skin research in the young and living prosperously gringko trees(3~5 years old)shows that this improving bloom techhology has clear effect.It is also verified that the circled peel time is suitable at the end of May and the start of June,before the flower bud differentiation.