
Study and Design of the Simulation of the Ground Source Heat Pump Hot Water System

  • 摘要: 通过分析地源热泵系统的组成,分别建立了地源热泵系统的3个组成环路的数学模型:地下埋管换热器环路模型、热泵机组环路模型、末端水环路模型.通过质量守恒、能量守恒和动量守恒关系,利用MAT-LAB-SIMULINK模块,搭建整个系统的动态仿真模型,并采用具有编程简单、数据输入方便、界面交互性强等优点的GUI来完成可视化界面的设计.


    Abstract: Based on the analysis of the ground source heat pump components, mathematical model of three composition loops of the ground source heat pump system are established, including the underground heat exchanger loop, heat pump units loop and the end of the water loop. According to conversation of mass, energy and momentum , the dynamic simulation model is constructed by using MATLAB-SIMULINK module and GUI visualization interface. The advantages of the GUI programming is simple, convenient in data entering and ...


