Cultivation ofBlackberry in the southern mountainous area of Henan
摘要: 多年引种栽培试验结果表明,美国黑莓适宜在豫南山区生长 通过不同品种间的对比分析,筛选出适宜豫南山区种植的优良种源 在栽培过程中总结出实现高产、稳产的 5项措施,并提出开发利用的建议Abstract: The suitability of Blackberry in southern mountains area of Henan provinces was investigated in many years.The results show that Blackberryis very well in this area.Some superior cultivars to fitting planting in southern mountains area of Henan provinces were selected by analyzing the properties of cultivars.Five kinds of measures on high and stable production of Blackberrywere put forward.