Global stability of n Dimensional Lotka Volterra sub systems
摘要: 本文得到几个n 维LotkaVoltorra 子系统平衡点存在且全局渐近稳定的充分条件,这些子系统是:竞争链系统,共存链系统以及一个种群与多个种群之间的竞争共存系统。本文的判据是用相互作用参数表示出来的,便于实际应用中的验证。Abstract: A set of sufficient conditions are obtained for the existence of a globally asymptotically stable equilibrium point in various sub models of the classic n dimensional Lotka Volterra system. The sub models are the following systems: competition chain system, competition modle between one and multi species,cooperative chain system,cooperative model between one and multi species. The criteria is in explicit forms of the parameters and thus is easily verifiable.