
A method of combining analysis of correlation immunity functions

  • 摘要: 在密码设计过程中,安全性是设计者首先要考虑的问题之一。前馈网络是一种重要的密钥流生成器。相关免疫函数是Siegenthaler提出的抗击对前馈网络流密码生成相关攻击的一类函数。本文利用布尔函数的小项和表示法,从组合的角度揭示相关免疫函数的特征。这种组合分析方法对构造相关免疫函数也是一种理想的方法。


    Abstract: In designing ciphers, safety, is a problem first consindered by clesigners. The feedforward network is an important stream ciphers generators. The correlation immunity functions presented by Siegenthaler is a class of functions which ressists correlation attacks to the feedforward network stream ciphers generators.Using minterm sum form of Boolean funtions, we discuss the characteristic of correlation immunity functions from combination. This is an ideal method to structure correlation immunity function...


