
Existence of Frame SOLS of Type 6 nb 1

  • 摘要: 在型为2nb1的3nb1和Frame自正交拉丁方的存在性问题解决了之后,接下来要考虑的应该是一般化的情况,即型为anb1的Frame自正交拉丁方的存在性问题。但是,从文[17]我们可以看到,型为6nb1的情况同型为3nb1和2nb1的情况一样,是属于必须单独讨论的基本情况。本文对此情况进行讨论,并证明型为6nb1的Frame自正交拉丁方存在性的充分必要条件是n≥4且n≥1+b/3。


    Abstract: We should consider the general case,that is, the existence of frame SOLS of type a nb 1 , after the existence of SOLS of type 2 nb 1 and 3 nb 1 have been proved. But from we know that the existence of frame SOLS of type 6 nb 1,as the case of type 2 nb 1 and 3 nb 1,is also essential to the general case.In this paper,we shall show that for n is even,there exists an frame SOLS of type 6 nb 1 if and only if n≥1+b/3 and n≥4.


