关于型为1~nu~1的Frame MOLS的谱(英文)
On the spectrum of frame MOLS of type 1 nu 1
摘要: 由 I S O L S的存在性可知除去 F M O L S(16)不存在和另外 15 个可能的例外的情况: (n,u)= (2u + 2,u),u ∈{2,4,6,8,10,14,16,18,20,22,26,28,32,34,46} 外,当n ≥2u + 1 时 F M O L S(1nu1) 存在。本文对以上所有可能的例外,证明 F M O L S(1nu1) 的存在性。Abstract: From the existence of ISOLS we know that FMOLS(1 nu 1) exist if n≥2u+1 with an exception that FMOLS(1 6) does not exist and other 15 possible exceptions that (n,u)=(2u+2,u) where u∈2,4,6,8,10,14,16,18,20,22,26,28,32,34,46.In this paper,we show the existence of FMOLS(1 nu 1) for all the possible exceptions.