Further Development of XML Query to Realise GML Query
摘要: GML(地理标记语言)是基于XML发展而来的行业标记语言,具有XML的所有特征,同时还具有XML没有的空间特征.目前,对XML的查询有比较成熟查询规范—Xquery,扩展XML查询是实现GML查询的最佳途径,在分析现有开放源码XML查询引擎的基础上,选择XQEngine进行扩展,实现了对GML空间数据的本原查询.Abstract: GML(Geography Markup Language) is the professional markup language based on the further development of XML.It is not only featured with all the distinctive characteristics of XML,but also with its own unique characteristic.At present,Xquery serves as the mature system for XML query.By analysing the open source of XML query engine,further extending XQ Engine and developing XML query,the GML query can be realized eventually.