The Multigroup Theory of Nonsteady-state Neutron Transpart Equation
摘要: 本文运用有界线性算子的积分半群理论对介质占据三维欧氏空间中一有界凸体,散射和裂变是各向同性的连续能量中子迁移方程证明了其非负解的存在唯一性及原方程的解可用多群中子迁移方程的解一致逼近。Abstract: By means of the Integrated semigroup of bounded linear operators,the multigroup approximate problem is studied for the time-dependent neutron transport equation with isotropic energy dependent non-uniform bounded convex media and absorb boundary condition.The existence and uniqueness of the nonnegative solution of the equation and the uniform convergence of the multigroup approximation are proved.