
Studies on the water-saving irrigation of single-crop rice in the south of Henan

  • 摘要: 采用浅水、湿润、雨养及常规(ck)4种灌溉方式对豫南单季稻节水灌溉进行了研究.结果表明:湿润灌溉为最佳节水灌溉方式,浅水灌溉次之.雨养灌溉受年际间降雨量变化的影响较大而不宜推广.灌水量与灌溉生长效率呈负相关.水稻的灌水高峰是水稻幼穗发育期.


    Abstract: Four kinds irrigated methods were used in the watersaving irrigated of singlecrop rice. The ruselts indicated that the springy irrigation was the optimal method, the rain irrigation was inapplicable.The relation between the rice growth rate and a mount of irrigation water is negtive.The largest amount of irrigation water needed occurs in the young panicle diflerentiation.


