A theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame
摘要: 应用非惯性参照系中质点牛顿第二定律 ,推导出一般非惯性参照系中质点组的动量定理 .其特殊情形即是惯性系中质点组的动量定理 .运用非惯性参照系中质点组的动量定理可以方便处理非惯性参照系中的一些复杂问题 .Abstract: A theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame is deduced by applying Newton's second low of motion of non-inertial reference frame.As a special case,the theorem of momentum of particle group of the inertial reference frame is included in the theorem obtained.Some complex problems can also be solved by using the theorem of momentum of particle group of the non-inertial reference frame.