Stability Analysis of a Kind of Vector-host Epidemic Model
摘要: 考虑一类带有混合型发生率的媒介-宿主传染病模型.理论结果显示,基本再生数R0完全确定了模型中平衡态的稳定性.当R0≤1时,无病平衡态是全局渐近稳定的,地方病平衡态不存在;而当R01时,疾病将持续且唯一的地方病平衡态是全局渐近稳定的.Abstract: A kind of vector-host epidemic model with hybridzing incidence is investigated.It is shown that the stability of the equilibria in this model is completely controlled by the basic reproduction number R0.If R0 is less than or equals to one,the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable and in such a case the endemic equilibrium does not exist.If R0 is greater than one,then the disease persists and the unique endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable.