
The process of pollen accepting in natural population of Sagittaria trifolia Linn. —observation of p

  • 摘要: 用荧光显微术观察了慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia Linn)不同时期的雌花柱头上花粉粒的落置、萌发及花粉管的生长过程与途径。结果表明:该种雌花开花2h 柱头受粉率为0,开花4h 和8h受粉率分别为538% 和983% ,柱头上花粉萌发率达100% ;花粉管沿雌蕊之向心一侧的组织中穿行,至子房基部后部分花粉管转向胚珠,由珠孔进入珠心。本研究发现该种花粉管常穿过子房基部至花托组织,并可进入其他雌蕊中,作者认为这种行为可能对保证雌花的结实率有一定意义


    Abstract: The pollen loading ,germinating and pollen tube growth during the process of flowering of Sagittaria trifola Linn.was observed by fluorescence microscopy.The results are as follows :The rate of pollen accepting on stigmas 2 hours after flowers opening is 0.This value of 4 hours or 8 hours after flowers opening is 53.8%or 98.3% respectively.The frequency of pollen germination on stigmas is 100%.Pollen tubes penetrated the centripetal tissues to the bases of pistils.Some pollen tubes circumambulated to the ov...


