Determination of Trace Nitrite by Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometry
摘要: 研究了在磷酸介质中,亚硝酸根催化碘酸钾氧化偶氮胂Ⅰ褪色反应的适宜条件与影响因素,建立了动力学光度法测定痕量亚硝酸根的新方法.方法线性范围为0~80.0μg/L,检出限为0.68μg/L.该催化反应用于水样中亚硝酸根的测定,结果满意.Abstract: The determination of trace nitrite with catalytic kinetic spectrophotometry was described.The principle of determination based on the NO_2~-can catalyze the oxidation and decoloration of arsenazo(Ⅰ) by KIO_3~-in H_3PO_4 medium.The linear range is 0~80.0 μg/L,and the detection limit is 0.68 μg/L.The proposed method was applied in the determination of nitrite in water samples with satisfactory.