Application of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas in Ecological Restoration of Rocky Desertification and Analysi
摘要: 石漠化是西南喀斯特地区最主要的生态环境问题.近年来,国内外关于石漠化问题的研究十分活跃,在很多方面都取得很大进展,但在岩溶区实际的生态恢复过程中还是存在一些障碍.菌根真菌生态适应性强,对恶劣环境中的生态恢复与重建有明显的促进作用.通过分析丛枝菌根的生理结构和生态功能与石漠化地区生态恢复亟待克服的障碍之间有良好的对应关系,表明利用菌根手段来解决岩溶石漠化地区的这些问题是一条崭新而有效的途径,并且其在提高石漠化地区植物抗岩溶干旱、耐土壤贫瘠能力和增强新引入植物对石生、富钙环境适应力等方面将有十分广阔的应用前景.Abstract: Karst rocky desertification is a kind of land degradation which has happened in fragile karst mountain ecosystem in Southwest China.As one of the most serious ecology-environmental problems,it astricted the sustainable development of the area.In recent years,the research on the rocky desertification is very active and has made great progress in many areas at home and abroad.However, there are still many obstacles in actual eco-restoration process of karst area. Many researches indicate that mycorrhizal fung...