
Exact Solutions to O(n)-symmetrical φ~4 Field Model of a Cylindrical System in 3 Dimensions

  • 摘要: 研究了三维无限长柱状系统(二维和三维之间的过渡区域)中的有限尺度效应.采用O(n)对称的φ4场论模型来研究该问题并且求出了当n→∞时的精确解,据此推出了磁化率和比热的精确表达式,用来进一步研究系统的有限尺度标度律.


    Abstract: Domains with a transitional dimension are very interesting in the research of finite-size effects.This paper investigates the finite-size effects of a infinite long cylindrical system in 3 dimensions which is a domain between 2 dimensions and 3 dimensions,studies this problem by using an O(n)-symmetrical φ~4 field model and gets the exact solation when n→∞,gives the exact expressions of magnetic susceptibility and specific heat capacity to this cylindrical system.These results can be used to study the finit...


