Using the AutoCAD to Diagram Accurately the Internal Force and Support Reaction of Statically Determ
摘要: 对几何形状不规则的桁架结构和受非竖向荷载作用的桁架结构的求解,图解法比数解法更方便.本文介绍了利用AutoCAD的精确绘图功能,求解静定桁架的内力及支座反力的方法和步骤,拓展了AutoCAD的应用范围,使学习者在练习AutoCAD的作图技能的同时,还可以求解一些结构的内力及支座反力.Abstract: The drawing method is more convenient than the analyzing method in solving the trusses with polyline shape and the trusses bearing slant loads. The methods and procedures of solving the internal force and support reaction of statically determinate truss are introduced by utilized the precision drawing function of the AutoCAD,and the application fields of the AutoCAD are increased. The exercisers can solve the internal force and support reaction of some structures with the AutoCAD at the time when they exerc...