Poverty and Way-out of Geography (Ⅰ) ——Philosophical Reflections on the Geographical Crisis
摘要: 分析了地理学发展滞后的哲学根源,揭示了“地理学危机”的实质。文章指出:由于地理学研究对象的基本特性即差异性、整体性和复杂性与当代科学赖以发展的两大基础即传统的形式逻辑(特别是数学方法)和系统受控实验存在着内在的矛盾,导致方法论的“例外”,地理学偏离了标准科学而走不出“形而下”的境界,以致至今未能真正地建立起学科的范式。Abstract: Philosophical reflection was given on the geographical backwardness and the essence of so-called geographic crisis was brought to light.It was presented that the basic characteristics of geographical object of study,namely,differencity,entirety,and complexity ,cannot co-operate with the main foundation of scientific development,formal logic and systematic experiments,so geography failed to become a part of standard science,but take the road of exceptionalism.