两相异斑块中扩散 Lotka-Volterra树系统持续生存的判据(英文)

The criteria of permanence for diffusive Lotka- Volterra tree systems in two heterogeneous patches

  • 摘要: 讨论了两相异斑块中 n种群扩散 Lotka- Volterra树系统 .通过引入“种群度”的概念 ,给出了一组判断该系统是持续生存的、容易验证的充分条件


    Abstract: By introducing a concept, called the de gree of a species, a set of sufficient conditions for the permanence of n-species diffusive Lotka-Volterra tree systems in two heterogeneous patches is obtained. The criteria are in explicit forms of the parameters and thus are easi ly verifiable.


