The history of element 118 was “discovered”, it bows out and rediscovering
摘要: 对118号元素的"发现"与隐退的始末进行了分析,由此告诫人们淡泊名利、勤奋敬业、实事求是、恪守诚信是科学研究人员应该具备的高尚职业美道德,而像维克托·尼诺夫(VictorNinov)那样贪图名利、行为不规、弄虚作假,必然导致身败名裂的可耻下场.Abstract: The history of element 118 was "discovered" and it bows out is analyzed.Science researchers would have sublime professional ethics that are to do not seek personal fame and wealth, hard work ,seek truth from facts and scrupulously abide science integrity.If you like Victor Ninov covets personal fame and wealth,departs from correct conduct, practises fraud, the issue will must be that lose your all standing and reputation.