
Analysis of the tourist survey and operating strategy in Millennium City

  • 摘要: 主题公园必须有鲜明的主题 ,清明上河园突出宋文化 ,1 998年开园以来取得了一定的效益 ,但还存在不少问题 .针对清明上河园的经营现状 ,为了该园更好的发展 ,通过问卷调查的方式系统地了解了清明上河园的游客行为 .在详细分析游客行为的基础上 ,对该园的经营提出了建设性对策 .


    Abstract: After a period of exploring, while obtaining some economic results there are also many problems in the development of the theme park in China.In order to operate Millennium City better,we understand systematically the tourist behavior based on which we propose some constructive advice in operating strategy.


