Study on Floristic Phytogeography of Seed Plants in the Pamirs of China
摘要: 中国帕米尔高原约有种子植物59科303属963种(包括变种).该区种子植物区系的地理成分较为复杂,联系广泛.温带性质的属有254属,占总属数的83.8%,热带性质的属有13属,占总属数的4.3%;温带性质的种有723种,占总种数的75.1%,热带性质的种有17种,占总种数的1.8%.该地区植物区系具有明显的温带性质,同时受到热带植物区系的影响.另外在区系科属分级水平上,寡属科、单属科占绝对优势,而超过20属的大科在该区仅有3科,却占总属数、总种数的35.9%和38.6%,区系优势现象十分明显;单种或少种属也较多,属种比值偏高.Abstract: The flora of Pamirs consist of 963 species of seed plant belonging to 59 families and 303 genera. Based on the analysis of the floristic elements at family, genera and species level,some conclusions were obtained as follows: The floristic elements of the Pamirs of China are complex. Almost all kinds of distribution types are more or less represented here. Among the genera distribution patterns, the floristic elements with 83.8% temperate genera and 4.3% tropical ones reveal dominant temperate property. And ...