
Constructing the functional evaluation model of the firewall

  • 摘要: 通过排队系统理论和泊松公式构建防火墙性能评价模型,对防火墙安全运行过程中几项技术指标,如丢失率、吞吐率、并发连接数、延迟时间等参数状态进行分析和推理,进一步论证了构建防火墙性能评价模型的可靠性和实用性.


    Abstract: By using the queuing theory and the Posong's formula,the firewall functional evaluation model is constructed.Some techniques index sign to the fire wall safety,such as loss rate,throughput rate,the number of concurrent connection and delay time etc,are analyzed,the usability and stability of the model be constructed are evaluated


