
Analysis on leading factors of ecological environment changes in the drainage area of Yellow River

  • 摘要: 1万年以来黄河流域生态环境发生了很大的变化,早期由亚热带森林草原景观演变为温带森林草原景观,后期森林草原景观逐渐被破坏,演变为现今天然植被几乎荡然无存,水土流失十分严重.黄河流域生态环境变迁的主导因素是气候和人类活动,气候自然波动是生态环境演变的基础,在冷干或暖干条件下,植被退化甚至死亡.人类活动主要是不合理的开垦加速植被破坏.人类活动叠加气候波动共同促使黄河流域生态环境的变迁.


    Abstract: Ecological environment changed largely in the drainage area of Yellow River during the past 10 000 years.It can be concluded that temperature rinsing or falling trends is the main factor and human activities of destorying vegatation are also important factor through analyzing the climate and human activities. Climate and human activities joinly facilitate ecological environment changes in the drainage area of Yellow River.


