Preparation of Thickening Agent DS6000 and the Application in Chemical Daily Expenses
摘要: 本文研究了一种以硬脂酸与PCl3反应形成硬脂酰氯中间体,再与PEG6000酯化生成聚乙二醇双硬脂酸酯,即DS6000的新制备方法,并介绍了DS6000在日化中的应用。实验结果表明,该方法能大幅度降低生产成本,易于工业化生产,产品纯度比传统方法大幅度提高Abstract: This paper stuays a new way of synthesicing thickening agent DS6000. Let stearic acid and PCl 3,reacte to take shape carbonyl halide then use it react to PEG6000,the product is DS6000.The applycation of DS6000 in chemical daily expenses is introduced .The results obtained show that this way can reduce the production cost muchly and easyly to realize industry production,the product purity raise obviously.