
Determination of properties of thermal energy storage of Na_2WO_4 for solid-solid phase transition

  • 摘要: 利用DTA -TG热分析技术研究了无机塑晶材料Na2 WO4的热性能 实验数据表明 ,Na2 WO4的固 -固相变焓总和为 16 4 1J g ,是一种有前途的固 -固相变贮能材料 固 固相变的机理是随着温度的升高 ,Na2 WO4晶体的晶格发生畸变 ,晶型由低对称的晶系向高对称的晶系转变 ,同时引入振动和转动无序 ,从而吸收热量


    Abstract: The thermal properties for the inorganic plastic crystals Na 2WO 4 were investigated by using DTA TG technique.The results obtained showed that the total enthalpy change in the solid solid phase change of Na 2WO 4 is 164.1 J/g.These indicate that Na 2WO 4 has good prospect.The mechnism of sdid sdid phase change is that the structure of Na 2WO 4 crystal changed low symmetry into high symmetry with the increasing of temperature,meanwhile,vibration and rotation become disorderly and absorb heat.


