The Studies on Tissue Culture and the Procedue of Rapid Propagation of Industrialization in Saintpau
摘要: 非洲紫罗兰(Saintpauitaionantha)叶片外植体在MS附加NAA0.1mg/L,BA1mg/L的培养基上培养,获得大量不定芽。将小芽丛转入MS附加NAA0.1mg/L,BA0.1mg/L的培养基上,小芽进一步发育形成小苗,然后将小苗切下转入不含激素的MS培养基上生根。生根试管苗经炼苗后移入花盆,生长良好。Abstract: Leaf explants of Saintpauita ionantha were cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.1mg/L and BA1mg/L, and they could form a lot of buds.The buds were cultured on MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.1mg/L and BA 0.1mg/L,and could grow into clustered plantlets.The plantlets were cultured on MS medium and could grow roots.Plantlets were transplanted to medial(Vermiculite,sand and soil) and could grow very good.