
The Research of Reverse Logistics Network with Lower and Upper Bound Constrained for Consortium of M

  • 摘要: 基于生产企业联合实施生产者责任制度的构想,研究了多个初级回收源点,多企业共同对多种废弃品进行回收的逆向物流网络设计和流量分配问题,建立了相应的数学模型.一般的设施选址模型只考虑容量上限,为避免设备闲置和处理能力不足的问题,对每一处理站的各种废弃品的处理量设置了上下限.设计了解决该NP-困难问题的拉格朗日松驰算法,用随机产生的一组数据对提出的算法进行检验,运行速度快且解的收敛性很好.


    Abstract: Based on consortium of manufactures takeback used products together,the reverse network design and flows distribution problem is researched,which has multiple initial collection sites,multi-manufacturer,multi-used-product and multi-disposal-site.General facility location only involves upper bound of disposing capacity,but we set lowest and the utmost disposing capacity to used product for each equipment at every disposal site in order to avoid leaved unused and lacking equipment.Due to the complexity of pro...


