Design and Realization of Symbol Library for Overall Land Use Planning at Town Level Based on ArcGIS
摘要: 在乡镇土地利用总体规划中ArcGIS自带符号库不能很好地表达规划信息,需建立规划专题符号库.以实例形式介绍了基于Font Creator 5.6字体编辑器和ArcGIS符号管理器制作点、线、面符号的步骤和方法.在此基础上依据《乡镇土地利用总体规划制图规范》建立专题符号库,为规划图编制提供了方便Abstract: In the overall land use planning at town level,the symbols in ArcGIS can’t satisfy the need,so a special symbol library designed is necessary.The processes and methods were introduced on how to design marker,line and fill symbols using Font Creator 5.6 and the symbol manager of ArcGIS.Then a convenient special symbols library was constructed for the overall land use planning