Approach to treating the waste water from hospitals
摘要: 根据环境保护总体发展的要求,医院污水必须经治理达标后,才能排入环境水体.为了节省能源和避免二次环境污染,实践证明,采用生物膜滤池与双虹吸同步定量加氯法相结合的污水处理设施,是一种设施简单,操作方便,结果可靠,很有实用价值和技术推广价值的医院污水处理设施.Abstract: The polluted water in hospital must be cleaned based on the requirement of the surrounding protection development. Polluted water cleaning equipment, only when it is clean enough,can be passed into the clean water. In order to save energy and avoid polluting again, the research work shows that taking the method of disinfect by chlorine with biological filter and two siphon and synchrounous to purify the bad water is simple, easy.