一类具非线性强耗散项的发展方程初边值问题解的Blow up
Blow up of solutions of initial boundary problem for a class of evolution equations with nonlinear s
摘要: 研究了具非线性强耗散项的发展方程 utt- δuxx- β(ux t) x=f(u)的初边值问题解的整体非存在性和 blow up,得到了问题的解在有限时间内 blow up的一些充分条件 ,并且给出一些具体实例Abstract: The global nonexistence and blow up of solutions of initial boundary value problems for a class of evolution equations with nonlinear strong dissipation term are studied.With the aid of eigenfunction method and the Jensen's inequality,the solutions of these problems blow up in finite time are proved under certain conditions.