
Geotechnical properties ofclayeygravelfrom Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo

  • 摘要: 为获得刚果民主共和国Likasi黏土质砾的岩土工程特性, 系统开展了Likasi黏土质砾物理性质指标测试、化学性质指标与矿物成分测试、击实试验、承载比试验、回弹模量试验、无侧限抗压强度试验、各向等压固结试验、固结排水剪三轴压缩试验、变水头渗透试验研究。获得了系统全面的Likasi黏土质砾物理、化学、力学特性与指标。结果表明: Likasi黏土质砾标准吸湿含水率低、级配良好、土颗粒形状大体呈次棱角状、不具膨胀性、比表面积小、阳离子交换量小, 亲水性弱, 具有良好的强度、刚度、渗透、压实等力学性质, 可作为良好的路基填料。


    Abstract: The geotechnical properties of clayey gravel from Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo, were experimentally investigated. The physical and chemical properties and mineral composition were measured. The Proctor compaction tests, California bearing ratio tests, resilient modulus tests, unconfined compression tests, isotropic consolidation tests, consolidated drained triaxial tests, and falling-head permeability tests were carried out. The geotechnical properties of Likasi clayey gravel were obtained systematically and comprehensively. The results showed that the standard moisture absorption water content of the soil is low. The shapes of soil particles are generally subangular. The soil is well graded and non-expansive. The specific surface area (SSA) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil are low. That is why the hydrophilicity of the soil is poor. And the soil has good mechanical properties such as shear strength, stiffness, permeability and compaction. The conclusion is that the Likasi clayey gravel can be used as high-quality subgrade fill.


