
Bioinformatics analysis of GASA gene family in tea tree

  • 摘要: GASA (Gibberellic acid-stimulated in arabidopsis)是植物特有的转录因子家族, 与植物的生长、发育、抗逆密切相关。采用生物信息学方法, 基于茶树的全基因组序列, 共鉴定到了29个GASA基因, 根据染色体排列, 编号为CsGASA1CsGASA29。系统发育分析、保守基序分析、共线性分析、启动子元件分析及表达分析显示: CsGASA分为3个亚家族, 编码64~218个氨基酸; 共鉴定到6个保守基序; 有4个CsGASA来源于片段重复事件, 5个CsGASA来源于串联重复事件; 有53%的启动子元件与环境响应有关; 有部分CsGASA基因受到干旱、低温和盐胁迫调控; CsGASA3基因只在根处具有较高的表达量。


    Abstract: GASA (Gibberellic acid-stimulated in arabidopsis) is a group of plant-specific transcription factors related to plant growth, development and stress response. Using a bioinformatics approach to explore the whole genome sequence of tea tree, 29 GASA genes were identified in the tea tree genome and numbered according to the chromosomal arrangement as CsGASA1-CsGASA29. Phylogenetic analysis, conserved motif analysis, collinearity analysis, cis-acting element analysis and expression analysis were performed to show that CsGASA is classified into three subfamilies and encodes 64-218 amino acids; a total of six conserved motifs are identified; four CsGASA are originated from segmental duplication events, and five CsGASA from tandem duplication events; 53% of the cis-acting elements are the key links in plant environmental response; some of CsGASA gene expression are response to drought, low temperature and salt stresses, and CsGASA3 gene is highly expressed only in roots.


