
Characteristics and potential source areas of ozone pollution in Xinyang from 2015 to 2020

  • 摘要: 基于2015—2020年信阳市臭氧小时浓度数据和全球数据同化系统(GDAS)数据, 运用潜在源贡献因子分析法(PSCF)和浓度权重轨迹分析法(CWT)对臭氧的污染特征及不同季节的潜在源进行分析。结果表明: 2015—2020年信阳市臭氧年均浓度先增加后降低, 2018年达到峰值(110.6 μg/m3), 且臭氧超标率在2019年达到峰值(58.68%), 臭氧污染整体加重。信阳市臭氧浓度的月变化为“M”型, 峰值在5月和9月。但信阳市臭氧浓度季节平均值在春季最高, 达125.2 μg/m3。短支气团对信阳市四季的臭氧浓度增加的贡献最大。整体上, 武汉市及周边城市对信阳市臭氧污染浓度的贡献度较大。信阳市臭氧浓度的PSCF和CWT结果均在春季分布范围最为广泛, 且权重潜在源贡献因子(WPSCF)与加权浓度权重轨迹值(WCWT)最大, 秋冬范围最窄且值最低。


    Abstract: Based on the ozone hourly concentration data and global data assimilation system(GDAS) data in Xinyang from 2015 to 2020, the characteristics and the potential source areas in different seasons of ozone pollution were analyzed by using the potential source contribution factor (PSCF) method and the concentration weight trajectory (CWT) method.The average annual ozone concentration in Xinyang increased and then decreased from 2015 to 2020, and reached a peak value in 2018 (110.6 μg/m3), and the ozone exceedance rate peaked in 2019 (58.68%). The monthly variation of ozone concentration in Xinyang was "M" shaped, with peaks in May and September.The seasonal mean ozone concentration (125.2 μg/m3) was highest in spring. Overall, the cities of Wuhan and its surrounding areas have been identified as the significant contributors to ozone pollution in Xinyang city. The PSCF and CWT analysis of ozone concentrations in Xinyang exhibit the broadest distribution during spring. In contrast, both the weighted potential source contribution factor (WPSCF) and weighted concentration weight trace value (WCWT) reach their peak values in spring, while exhibiting narrower ranges and lower values in autumn and winter.


