The phylogenetic relationships among 43
Dendrobium species are investigated based on complete chloroplast sequences obtained from the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). The findings reveal that: (1) The average base composition in chloroplast genes is as follows: T (31.8%), C (19.0%), A (30.7%), G(18.5%); (2) Genetic distance analysis demonstrates that Dendrobium officinale, Dendrobium tosaense, Dendrobium shixingense, and Dendrobium catenatum cultivar zhong ke Ⅳ exhibit the smallest genetic distance of 0, indicating their close genetic relationship compared to other species; (3) Phylogen analysis confirms that
Dendrobium forms a monophyletic group with differentiation occurring first in Dectochilum followed by Dendrobium bambusculum. Additionally, there is a close relationship observed between
Dendrobium tenuiculus,
Dendrobium huoshanensis, and
Dendrobium guangdongensis.