
A Bidirectional Motion Estimation Based Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Context Cube Matching

  • 摘要: 为了提升双向运动估计(Bidirectional Motion Estimation,BME)准确度,提出上下文立方(Context Cube,Con-Cube)匹配,采用紧凑的上下文特征抑制块失配问题。首先,以块内各像素为中心提取子块,采用自相似性描述子生成子块的相关平面,以相关平面的直方图作为块内各像素的上下文特征;接着,将块内各像素的上下文特征增加为块的新维度,生成Con-Cube;然后,基于Con-Cube设计双向上下文匹配,生成内插帧的运动向量场;最后,通过线性插值补偿得到内插帧。实验结果显示,所提出的算法内插帧的主客观质量均有所改善,这表明:通过逐像素描述语义关联,Con-Cube可有效缓解BME中的块失配现象。


    Abstract: To improve the Bidirectional Motion Estimation (BME) accuracy, the Context Cube (Con-Cube) matching is proposed, which uses the compact context features to suppress the block mismatches. Firstly, for the patch centered at each pixel in a block, its correlation surface is produced by using the self-similarity descriptor, and the histogram of the correlation surface is extracted as the context feature of pixel. Secondly, the Con-Cube is constructed by combining the context features of all pixels into the block along a new dimension. Then, based on Con-Cube, the bidirectional context matching is designed to generate the motion vector field of the interpolated frame. Finally, the interpolated frame is produced by linear interpolation compensation. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can improve both objective and subjective quality of the interpolated frame when compared with some traditional algorithms, indicating that Con-Cube can effectively prevent the block mismatches existing in BME.


