Research and Application of BIMMethod in 3 DInformation Model of Architectural Structure
摘要: 通过对房屋建筑结构三维信息模型集成的BIM方法进行研究,利用基于GeomagicStudio、AutodeskRevit等软件平台的建模技术,探索出在BIM技术环境下进行房屋建筑结构三维信息模型的建模方法,直观展示BIM技术的优势.最后通过创建某房屋建筑结构的BIM信息模型,得到该建筑附属结构构建的参数化族库,将该BIM模型导出为IFC格式文件,使其他BIM相关软件可以使用此IFC文件实现模型信息的共享,从而印证了BIM技术在房屋建筑结构三维信息模型集成中的可行性.Abstract: The research and application of BIM method in 3D information model of architectural structure were mainly discussed, by which a method of BIM technology about building a 3D information model was provided based on the platforms of Geomagic Studio, Autodesk Revit Software. In this method, the advantage of BIM technology was obviously. Finally, through making a BIM information model of the structure buildings, the building adjacent structures were given to build parameterized library. The BIM model was exported to the file format which is called the IFC, other software in the method of BIM can use the IFC files to share the information model. This method confirm that the BIM technology in the 3D information modeling structure was feasible.