Wages Sorting Based on Attribute Hierarchical Model
摘要: 通过比较属性层次模型和层次分析法, 阐述了属性层次模型的数学思想是球赛模型. 基于这一思想, 将属性层次模型应用于岗位工资管理, 提出了一种科学、 简便的决策方法, 并结合实例分析它的应用效果,为科学管理岗位工资提供了新方法.Abstract: Through comparing Attribute Hierarchical Model(AHM)and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), it was stated that the mathematics thinking of Attribute Hierarchical Model is ball game model. Based on that, a scientific and simple method was proposed by applying AHM to the post salary management. Besides, the effects of the method were also proved by examples. The results can be helpful for providing a new way to scientific salary management