
User-Oriented Optimization for Role Mining with Constraints

  • 摘要: 现有自底向上的角色工程方法挖掘规模庞大,系统管理任务繁重,且挖掘结果未能反映系统功能的安全需求.为优化角色挖掘,从终端用户的角度出发,将角色挖掘问题转化为聚类问题,提出一种面向用户的约束角色挖掘优化.该方法利用用户聚类四元组及角色约束优化挖掘过程,以综合评价挖掘效果及系统的安全性,并在构造和真实数据集上进行测试与分析.实验结果表明,该方法能够减轻系统的管理负担,并能保证信息系统的安全性


    Abstract: Results of role mining in largescale organizations could not reflect requirements of system security in existing approaches to bottom-up role engineering,and system administration tasks were very arduous.In order to optimize role mining,an optimization method was proposed from the enduser perspective,which converted the role mining into clustering problem.Useroriented roles constraints and four-tuples of clustering were utilized to optimize the mining process and evaluate the mining effect comprehensively.It was tested on several datasets,both synthetic and real.Experimental results showed that,the method not only reduces the burden of administration, but also ensures system security.


