
Modelling and Analysis of a Delayed Differential-algebraic Biological Economic System

  • 摘要: 建立了一类时滞生态经济微分代数系统,并研究了其正平衡点的稳定性.当以时滞为分支参数时,利用微分代数系统的标准型和中心流形等理论和方法,讨论了该系统在其正平衡点处的Hopf分支及其分支方向


    Abstract: A delayed differential-algebraic biological economic system was formulated and the stability of its positive equlibrium was investigated. By using the normal form approach and center manifold theory of the differential-algebraic system, the  Hopf bifurcation of the differential-algebraic biological economic system was discussed where the time delay was considered as a paramter of bifurcation.


